If we survive the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012, does that mean we’re technically immortals? I’ve no idea, but it will probably mean we don’t see quite as many of these Doomsday Apocalypse scams doing the rounds on Facebook since at least the 15th of April.
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According to the above Facebook post, Doomsday is coming – thanks, NASA – and what finer way to ward off death by asteroid, mystical fire, machine gun toting dinosaurs and maybe even the odd alien invasion by, er, liking some random Facebook thing and nabbing a gift card.
The terms and conditions for the gift card don’t mention any form of compensation should you die spectacularly before having the chance to use it which seems like a missed opportunity.
The site linked from the original post has had over 100,000 clicks since the 28th of March, according to this Bit.ly stats page. Despite the above claims of imminent destruction, NASA have not confirmed a 2012 Doomsday which is something I never thought I’d get to say in this or any other lifetime. Steer clear of nonsensical websites such as the above and don’t waste your time by spreading them around sites such as Facebook.
Christopher Boyd (Thanks to Jovi for finding this).
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