Scam Signature Message:
99% of people can’t watch this video more than 25 seconds!!!
I dare you to watch more than 25 seconds from this video!
Trending: June 2011
Why it’s a Scam:
This is one popular chick! We have seen this photo on several scams as of late. If you click on the link, you are taken to the following page:
You are asked to share the scammer’s message before you can see the video clip. This should be a huge red flag for you! If you do share the post and click on the link to close the window, then the following survey scam will be displayed:
How to Deal with the Scam:
You need to clean up your Facebook account by removing the post from your Newsfeed and marking the post as Spam. Do this by clicking the “x” in the top right hand corner of the post.
Never complete surveys to unlock videos or other content on Facebook. Scammers use these tricks to either spread malware, obtain personal identification or earn commissions from marketing companies. Don’t pad their pocket and possibly open yourself up to harm!
Some of the surveys require you to download files to your computer. Never do this! If you did so in error, then run a complete system scan with a good anti-virus software program. The I.Q. Quiz scam has been around for a while, and it typically requires you to enter your cell phone number to receive the results. The scammers then bill you for premium services. Keep an eye on your phone bill for bogus charges.
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