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AVG Web Threat Update Week 39


1. Blackhole exploit kit continues to use NACHA transaction-rejection in spam.

We continue seeing the Blackhole exploit kit using spam emails designed to look like transaction-rejection reports from NACHA, the electronic payment association, to spread links to malicious sites. The sites, of course, install the Blackhole kit. Clicking on the “Transaction Report” link downloads and installs Blackhole.


Some of the URLs look like this:








2. Facebook Hoaxes Spreading


New Facebook News Ticker

The first example below gives directions on how to bloc friends and family members from seeing comments. The only problem is, the information is wrong, it only stops YOU from seeing when other people post information publicly. It does not stop information you have posted publicly from being seen by friends and families.

“Please do me a favor and move your mouse over my name here, wait for the box to load and then move your mouse over the “Subscribe” link. Then uncheck the “Comments and Likes”. I would really rather that my comments on friends and families posts not be made public, thank You! Then re-post this if you don’t want your every single move posted on the right side in the “Ticker Box” for everyone to see!”


Rumored Facebook plans to charge for membership

Of course the hoaxers couldn’t miss a news story as big as major Facebook changes (and resulting discontent) to spread junk. No, Facebook is not going to charge for “member services.”

Hoax posts that we’ve seen include:



“Facebook just released their price grid for membership. $9.99 per month for gold member services, $6.99 per month for silver member services, $3.99 per month for bronze member services, free if you copy and paste this message before midnight tonight. When you sign on tomorrow morning you will be prompted for info… It is official it was even on the news. Facebook will start charging due to the new profile changes. If you copy this to your wall your icon will turn blue and Facebook will be free … “



“It is official. It was even on the news. Facebook will start charging due to the new profile changes. If you copy this on your wall your icon will turn blue and Facebook will be free for you. Please pass this message on, if not your account will be deleted if you do not pay.”


Last weekend Facebook responded with:



3. Personal Shield Pro rogue security product is in circulation





4. Recent Facebook click jackings

Below are a few of the current Facebook click jacking scams we’ve found in circulation. They lead to affiliate scams that usually feature “surveys,” bogus offers of something free and sometimes scams that result in monthly charges to your cell phone account for worthless subscriptions or services.


“Most embarrassing moment ever in Beauty Contest”



[Video] “This is what Happened to his Ex Girl Friend!”



“Omg, towel pulling prank sets this poor girl totally undressed…”



– AVG Threat Research Group

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