Batman. His interests include being vengeance, the night and also kicking people in the face.
Something Batman probably doesn’t enjoy so much is seeing the trailer for his new film leak, then be turned into an instrument of evil (or at least poor web marketing and cheap tricks). In fact, you know it’s time to strap yourself in for another security trainwreck when you hear about the leaked Dark Knight Rises trailer, fire up Youtube and see…
Click to EnlargeBatman, everybody!
There’s a similarly authentic looking Youtube clip here:
Click to Enlarge
Clicking the link takes you from xisworld(dot)com to rrgr(dot)info/news(dot)php where the Dark Knight is apparently being hunted by, er, FOX News:
Click to Enlarge
You’re offered an install of FREEzeFrog, ShopperReports, QuestScan address bar and blinkX Beat. Readers will be familiar with these types of install. As you may have already guessed, there is no Batman trailer or any FOX News for that matter.
Elsewhere, you’ll see clips like this advertising the full movie.
Click to Enlarge
Here’s an example of a site offering “the full movie”.
Click to Enlarge
I’m not sure which I trust less, the clipart logo or the fact that the trailer is the fake one containing Robin Williams and clips lifted from Se7en and Aeon Flux. Clicking the links take to to various sites wanting you to “sign up” to watch the movie, often asking the user to provide card details and validate their account.
Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge
Good luck with that.
I’m going to go out on a Batman snapped limb here and take a wild guess that you won’t be seeing the full version of Dark Knight Rises anytime soon – certainly not from random Youtube vids promoting installs, surveys and “watch movies anytime” services.
You don’t have to be the World’s Greatest Detective to work that one out.
Christopher Boyd
Labels: advertising, batman, dark knight rises, fake, installs, scam, trailers, youtube
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