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Beware Remove your Facebook Timeline scams


Not everyone is a fan of Facebook’s Timeline feature. And that’s a fact of which spammers and scammers are happy to take advantage.

Take this spam message received by a Naked Security reader, for instance.

Remove Facebook Timeline spam

If you click on the link you are taken to a website created just a couple of days ago, whose domain is registered in Turkey.

Timeline remove website

If you take a look at the website, you’ll see that it encourages you to install a Firefox or Chrome add-on to remove the Facebook Timeline from your account.

Timeline remove website

Should you install it? Well, we’re still analysing the add-ons in our labs, but hopefully – at the very least – you would check the terms of use first.

What’s that? You never check the small-print before installing software on your computer? Shame on you..

In this case, the terms of use are all in Turkish. No English translation is available (although the authors helpfully point to Google Translate which transmogrifies phrases like “Remove Timeline” to “Escape Time Tunnel”.. sounds like a 1960s sci-fi TV show to me..)

Timeline remove website terms of service

For those who did bother to read the terms of use, things are pretty clear. Even if you don’t speak Turkish.

“If you are not living in Turkey don’t use this plugin, this is for only users who living in Turkey.”

Hmm.. My advice would be to avoid installing this software. And that’s even before SophosLabs has analysed the suspicious plugins!

Make sure that you keep informed about the latest scams spreading fast across Facebook and other internet attacks. Join the Sophos page on Facebook, where over 180,000 people regularly share information on threats and discuss the latest security news.

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