Just a quick heads up that there’s a Twitter spamrun targeting mentions of the videogame Bioshock Infinite.
The promise: “My friend got Bioshock Infinite free”.
Click to Enlarge
The reality:
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A woman doing aeroplane impressions. Of course, people getting free copies of Bioshock Infinite would be quite a feat in itself, given the thing won’t be released until 2012.
[Update 1] It seems numerous games are having the same spammy treatment – we’re informed that poor old Batman is having similar problems with spam such as this:
“This is amazing! Get a FREE copy of the new Batman: Arkham City. Get one here”
“I love batman, I play the video game look at this”
As before, the URLs lead to linkdumps, spam offers and other assorted junk. Thanks to Pete for the heads up.
Christopher Boyd
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