Next week we’ll publish PandaLabs Report for the 2nd Quarter. This time we have made a few changes. Our team (special kudos to Txema Quintana) has changed (to better) the design of the report, making it easier to read. But this won’t be the only change.
Delivering the news in an impersonal manner is OK, but you already have -or should have- the media for that. My years of experience in the security field together with my own personal perception of the world, where personal freedom plays a pivotal role, are very much present in this report. I am not just delivering the facts, I also take the opportunity to express my views on their protagonists and their behavior.
Those who know me already know I am a very direct person. I am honest and straightforward, outspoken and opinionated, but not rude. And there is something I can guarantee: This report will not leave you indifferent. Love me or hate me, but in the end I just hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it for you.
Here you can read an excerpt from the report, next Wednesday (July 6th) you could download and read the entire paper:
From ‘hacktivism’ to ‘stupidism’
It seems that the only way the Anonymous group has to protest is by committing illegal acts. However, if the members of the group were smart enough, they would realize that their constant breaking of the law undermines the legitimacy of their protests. Over the last few months they have launched attacks on Sony and the websites of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Spain’s national police force, several governmental institutions, etc.
Moreover, they claim that their activities are ‘peaceful protests’, despite their actions are purposefully enacted to cause economic loss and completely illegal. They say they represent everyone’s ‘best interest’ but are not brave enough to appear publicly, hiding instead behind their pseudonyms.
Well, if you hadn’t already had enough of Anonymous, a new hacker collective called LulzSec has emerged, whose claimed main motivation is simply ‘to have fun by causing mayhem’. In my opinion, if you took the most irresponsible and brainless members of Anonymous and put them all together, they would be considered the most refined gentlemen compared to LulzSec.
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