Spam Message:
Enable Dislike Button
Add Dislike Button
(sent as a Facebook notification or message)
Scam Type: Rogue Application, Rogue Browser Extension
Trending: June 2012
Why it’s a Scam:
Clicking the spam link takes you to the following page:
Clicking the “Enable Dislike” button loads the following application login screen:
If you choose to “Log in With Facebook,” the app creator will have access to your basic profile information. The following pop-up loads. This is how the spam message is spreading on Facebook.
If you click the “Send Request” button, you are redirected to a page that tries to load a browser extension:
As with Facebook applications, you should only install browser extensions from trusted, reliable sources. Considering that ‘’ has a “Coming Soon.” message displayed, we recommend that you do not proceed with the installation.
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