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Facebook Now Has A Dislike button! Enable The Feature @ bitly



Scam Signature Message: Facebook Now Has A Dislike button! Enable The Feature @ bitly

Scam Type: Survey Scam

Trending: May 2011

Why it’s a Scam:

Clicking the wall post link takes you to the  following page: 

Scams asking users to paste code directly into their browser have taken an uptick the last few weeks. You should never paste code directly directly into your browser. Doing so bypasses security protocols that can leave your system vulnerable to attack. Usually the code is malicious and contains a virus, trojan, etc. however this one in particular delivers the following survey scam as the end game:

Here we see the end game of a typical Facebook Survey Scam. Each time someone completes a survey, the scam creator gets a commission. The scam creator will possibly have your personal information to do you harm. (depending on the information you submitted in the survey) If you downloaded any games or other files then your computer could be infecting with a virus, trojan or other malware. Never download files from scams like this!

How to Deal with the Scam:

If you completed the scammer’s instructions, make sure you aren’t spamming your friends via your Newsfeed. If you are, clean-up your newsfeed and profile to remove references to the scam. (click the “x” in the top right hand corner of the post).

The level of damage control required will largely depend on the nature of the survey scam. If you submitted your name, address, email, etc., then be on the lookout for more bogus offers arriving in your email and regular mail. Also be on alert for identity theft attempts. If you downloaded any files, then you should run a complete system scan with a competent anti-virus program. Some scams ask for your cell phone number so they can bill you with bogus and excessive charges.

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