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Facebook – user privacy on the uptick


Okay, so they grew from nothing to ubiquity in a few years, hey, my mom has an account. With the growth, users have started clamoring for increased privacy control, and it looks like the message is starting to be heard. Facebook is now trotting out a series of new user privacy controls, so now you will have controls next to content that can be shared, rather than buried a few layers within a menu structure.

This sort of movement is positive for us security types, well, at least making security choices simpler, the kind of thing my mom may understand and (hopefully) use, maybe even without me explaining it.

Also, they will be putting more user control on tagging of photos. Now, you’ll be prompted to accept or reject attempts to “tag” you in a photo before it’s visible on your profile. Good news if users would prefer the Spring Break dare photos your friends took not make it to prominent display front-and-center. There will also be visibility controls on things like occupation, religion and education, for example.

They also say they’ll be listening for feedback from the user base following the rollout, and being responsive, so it’ll be nice to see a proactive stance. Keeping things secure is a continually moving target, so it’s nice to nice to see efforts in that direction from Facebook.

These changes will be hitting the streets in the next few days, so keep an eye out. It also might be a good idea to notify your friends that they can no longer threaten you with posting tagged photos of situations you can’t entirely remember, which can’t really be considered career-builders.

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