There may only be 26 days until Christmas, but you can get your hands on a jolly bundle of “My computer is on fire and would you like a mince pie” considerably faster than that.
Here’s a rather seasonal looking fake UPS delivery notification, claiming in broken English that “Your package delivered to the nearest Postal Office. When receiving, please show a mailing receipt. Address of the nearest office you can find on our website”.
Click to Enlarge
Depending on the spam campaign you happen to stumble upon, you’ll most likely be redirected through a collection of websites before arriving at your final destination which in this case happens to be Fake AV – specifically, System Progressive Protection.
Click to Enlarge
Fake UPS spam is a perennial favourite of Malware pushers, but this is certainly the most festive one we’ve seen so far. We detect the above as Lookslike.Win32.Winwebsec.p (v), and I’ll embrace my Master of the Obvious crown with relish as I advise anybody reading this to treat delivery notification emails with the utmost caution. If in doubt, simply visit the website of your chosen parcel delivery service and have fun typing in tracking codes instead. It’s a lot safer.
Christopher Boyd (Thanks to the Labs for finding this)
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