Doctor Web has announced that, beginning June 19, its free service to restore files encrypted with malware from the Encoder Trojan family is available only to users of Dr.Web products. This is due to the huge number of encoder Trojan-related requests that have overloaded the company’s anti-virus laboratory and technical support service.
Doctor Web’s technical support service has received as many as 2,800 decryption requests in the last three months, which means that it was processing roughly 30 Trojan.Encoder requests daily. The vast majority of users whose systems have been compromised do not use an anti-virus at all or rely on popular free anti-virus applications, thus the number of encoder infections is growing as is the number of requests.
To draw attention to its reliable and proven anti-viruses and to provide high-quality and timely support to its own clients first and foremost, Doctor Web has decided to provide the free decryption service only to registered users of Dr.Web.
You can get Dr.Web in any way that is most convenient to you: purchase it in a computer store or get an electronic license over the Internet. Doctor Web would also like to draw users’ attention to its recently launched promo ” Dr.Web summertime” under which you can save six euros or more on anti-virus protection.
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