Scam Signature Message:
hey, do you remember this photo? [scam link]
Scam Type: Phishing
Trending: February 2012
Alternate Message:
Can you remember this photo?
Remember this photo?
Why it’s a Scam:
The scam message will be accompanied by a or other link of some kind. Clicking on any of them will take you a page designed to look like the Facebook login page. Users who let their guard down or who aren’t paying careful attention, may not notice they have been redirected to a scam site. Obviously, if you login on this screen, the scammers can gain total access to your account.
This is the message we received from our security software when attempting to access the scam link:
Never enter you login information when a web page redirects you without first double checking to make sure you are on the legitimate site. A better option is to bookmark the authentic page(s), and access the site directly.
This is a very common phishing scheme on Facebook. Always be suspicious of any links you receive via Facebook Chat, Facebook Message or your separate email account.
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