March 2010: my Google Profile was “not yet eligible” to be “featured” in Google’s search results. My profile was private and Google was attempting to get me to make it public.
I thought that was a clever use of reverse psychology, so I took a screenshot and posted it to Twitpic.
Today I read that Google will be deleting all private profiles after July 31. This is related to Google+ migration.
So I decided to review my (“private”) profile to see if there was anything that I needed to save.
And then I discovered that my profile was no longer private.
Google said that my full name was not being displayed on my profile page.
So I opened another browser to test this out:
It was small comfort that my full name wasn’t displayed on my profile, because it – was – displayed under the Buzz tab.
So next, I “unshared” everything that I had shared via Google Reader.
And then, I examined my “Sharing settings”.
My settings were configured to: “Protected (Shared with selected groups)”.
Protected? Well it sure seems like it was public to me!
I use Google for search, and not share. And I think I’ll keep it that way…
If you haven’t reviewed your Google Account settings lately, I highly recommend using Google Dashboard (and soon).
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