The Latest in IT Security

Is Your System DNS Changer-free?


Anyone closely following the news might have come across reports regarding netizens that would be disconnected from the Internet after July 9. Media calls this the “Internet Doomsday”, and online campaigns asking Internet users to check their systems for a possible DNS Changer infection is, as of this writing, ongoing.

DNS Changer is a Trojan malware that changes the DNS (Domain Name System) of a system to point to rogue servers owned by the criminals. This way, users are redirected to fake pages of any website they visit.

This Trojan has been around since 2007 and it has infected hundreds of thousands of user systems. And since then, users of VIPRE Antivirus has been protected from this threat.

If you’re concerned that maybe your computer is infected, please visit to get the URL you can use to have your system checked. There’s a section on the website where you can manually check for infection, too. Once you have determined that your system is not infected with DNS Changer, please do nothing. If your system is, however, please contact your ISP. Some popular ISPs have already set up help pages for their infected clients. Links to these help pages can be found at at the bottom of the DCWG website.

The site checkers are non-intrusive and Web-based, which means you don’t have to download a tool to have your systems checked. Tell your friends and family about DCWG-or you can link them to this blog, if you like-so they can also have their systems checked.

Good luck!


Jovi Umawing

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