We recently stumbled upon a website that supposedly provides the application Skype for Android devices.
When visiting the website using an Android device, it shows an APK file (skype52_installer.apk) for download:
However, accessing the website using an iOS device yields to the screenshot below:
The new application is being verified and deployed: skype.ipa
Checking iphone_free_space
Afterwards, it informs the user that the installation is “complete”:
Installation complete!
The new application skype is ready to install!
Enter your phone number to protect against illegal usage of this application, and follow instructions in a SMS message.
At this point, there are still no new application installed in the device. As expected, even after entering a number, nothing happens.
Installation complete!
A free SMS message with confirmation request has been sent to you.
If visited using any other devices except for Android or iOS, it prompts for a JAR file (skype52_installer.jar):
Thanks to Dmitriy for the translation!
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