Scam Signature Message:
Play Mario Kart on Facebook!
Play Mario Kart on Facebook with your Friends! Join the
multiplayer mayhem NOW! Click here to play
Scam Type: Survey Scam
Trending: October 2011
Why it’s a Scam:
Clicking the wall post link takes you to the following page:
Clicking the “PLAY NOW” button loads the following survey scam:
**Note – Scams like this often use multiple domains, so you may see a variation in the landing pages and scam messages.
How to Deal with the Scam:
If you did make the mistake of sharing the scam link, then you are now spamming your friends with the very same message. Clean-up your newsfeed and profile to remove references to the scam. (click the “x” in the top right hand corner of the post).
Never complete surveys to unlock videos or other content on Facebook. Scammers use these tricks to either spread malware, obtain personal identification or earn commissions from marketing companies. Don’t pad their pocket and possibly open yourself up to harm!
Some of the surveys require you to download files to your computer. Never do this! If you did so in error, then run a complete system scan with a good anti-virus software program. The I.Q. Quiz scam has been around for a while, and it typically requires you to enter your cell phone number to receive the results. The scammers then bill you for premium services. Keep an eye on your phone bill for bogus charges.
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Got this from another site…it will work for this issue.
As we all know, there’s a new Facebook virus in the Trojans (say many) for me is a bot. The point is that some many emails I received from some people who accepted the invitation and have been unable to resolve your problem, at their request I bring this solution, as simple as removing an application (if you know how to delete a Facebook application you do not have because reading this post).
1 – Basically what we have to do is the same as with any other application, we go to our Facebook account, click on the part that says “Account” and go on by clicking “Privacy Settings”.
2 – open the next window, from there we go to “Applications and Websites” and click “Edit Your Settings”.
3 – Then, in the part that says “Applications that use”, click on “Edit Settings.”
4 – It will open another window that shows a list of applications, games and websites that we have accepted it, choose the Classic Mario application and edit its settings by clicking “Edit Settings.”
5 – Then we open a small sub-window, in the part that says “Access Facebook Chat” will click on “remove”, this way and may not use our e-mail for self-promotion, but if you want can eliminate the application by clicking on “Remove application”.
Sorry I had to translate all that from Spanish.