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RIM recalls 1,000 BlackBerry PlayBook tablets


BlackBerry creator Research In Motion (RIM) has issued a recall for between 900 and 1,000 PlayBook tablets which were shipped with a faulty version of the device’s operating system. When users boot up one of the defective devices, they are unable to proceed past the user agreement, effectively turning the new handheld into an expensive paperweight.

Only the 16GB wifi models are experiencing the error, and all of the malfunctioning devices were shipped to Staples stores. The company notes that most of the broken units are still in the distribution channel, minimizing the effect on customers. RIM is working on preventing the rest of the busted batch from reaching consumers, but for now it’s probably a good idea to wait for the confirmation that the issue has been put to rest.

The PlayBook launched in mid-April and while it didn’t approach the sales figures that Apple has enjoy from its iPad line, RIM managed to move roughly 50,000 devices in its new handheld’s debut. This was especially surprising considering the slate launched without even an email app, instead requiring users to sync the tablet with a BlackBerry smartphone.

Engadget Via Business Insider

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