Not long after we found sites offering rogue versions of Instagram and Angry Birds Space, another malicious site hosted in Russia was found to peddle fake Farm Frenzy 3 versions. The perpetrators behind this fake app are hoping that users who are not discriminate enough may download their malicious version, which is detected by Trend Micro as ANDROIDOS_FAKE.DQ.

- 8883
- 8887
- 6151
- 1
- 2855
- 9151
- 9685
- 9684
In turn, affected users incur unnecessary charges for the said message. Unfortunately, paying fees for unauthorized messages is only half the problem for users. Choosing the said button also changes the display on the screen (see below), wherein choosing the top button may lead users to a malicious website.

Trend Micro protects your Android OS phones via Mobile Security Personal Edition app, which prevents access to these malicious sites and blocks the download of malicious .APK files into mobile devices.
To know more on how to better protects yourself from these rogue apps and other threats hovering Android OS, you may read our comprehensive e-guide “5 Simple Steps to Secure Your Android-Based Smartphones” .
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