Scam Signature Message: What Is This ? crazyillusionvideo.blogspot[dot]com
Scam Type: Like-Jacking
Trending: June 2011
Why it’s a Scam:
Clicking on the Wall post link takes you to the follow page:
We did not blur the image, because it really isn’t what it looks like. Most scams don’t ever show you a video, but this one actually does. Clicking play will show you a video of the image, and as it zooms out you see it for what it really is -a man’s arm. Unfortunately, your Facebook will also be “like-jacked,” and you will be spamming the message to your friends via your Wall.
How to Deal with the Scam:
You need to clean up your Facebook account by removing the post from your Newsfeed and by “un-liking” the video. Do this by clicking the “x” in the top right hand corner of the post. Select the option to remove and unlike.
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