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Sometimes Marketing Looks Like a Dog Biting His Tail


I’m not paid to find irony in life, it’s just how I’m wired. For example, I found it hilarious that in a Singapore airport restroom with toilets that flush automatically, touch-free sinks, touch-free soap dispensers, and touch-free hand driers, they have a TOUCH SCREEN “rate our bathroom” survey! I’m not making this up, here’s the picture.

Trend Micro is an anti-virus company that highly touts their cloud based technology. You can imagine how deliciously ironic I found it when Dark Reading reported on a survey commissioned by Trend Micro that claims that “Nearly Half Of Cloud Services Users Have Had A Breach In The Past Year”

Yeah, I know the differences in public clouds, private clouds and that there are various types of uses for cloud computing, but I sure wouldn’t want to be the Trend Micro salesperson trying to tout the virtues of their cloud solution to an executive who just read about half the cloud users getting breached!

Now, about the sign that says “Smoke Door” in a non-smoking airport :)

Randy Abrams
Director of Technical Education
Cyber Threat Analysis Center
ESET North America

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