There’s been a couple of rather nasty spam runs taking place on Twitter over the last few days. Heres an example of a rogue URL being spread at the weekend:
The link in question – fuuut(dot)tk, was being sent by both compromised accounts and spambots. Anybody visiting the link would find themselves redirected to detectoptimizersupervision(dot)info where a piece of Fake AV was just dying to introduce itself:
Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge
The file above had a detection rate on VirusTotal of 3/42, and we caught it as Trojan.Win32.Fakeav.tri (v). A member of the FakeVimes family, the sites involved in this one would be replaced every three to six hours.
Today things continue to take a turn for the worse with all new spam links spreading on Twitter, which we have of course reported. Example:
The links being spread at the moment are particularly nasty, using the Blackhole exploit kit to drop Winwebsec (example here) on the target PC, then redirect the end-user to another Fake AV site where a “24 hour rogue” (so called because the files are changed every 24 hours or so) lies in wait – Windows Antivirus Patch being the malicious file in question.
Hopefully Twitter will have these rogue links taken down quickly – at time of writing, they’re still in circulation so please be careful of any messages that look out of place on a Twitter feed linking to (dot)tk URLs.
Christopher Boyd (thanks to Matthew, Patrick and Jovi for additional research)
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