Scam Signature Message: This is why you shouldnt eat fast food
Scam Type: Malware
Trending: May 2011
Why it’s a Scam:
There are several reasons why you might want to avoid fast food restaurants: high caloric content, diet-busting fat grams, low nutritional value, just to name a few. This video will not show you any “shocking” content, instead, your computer will be attacked with a trojan script! Clicking on the link gave us this virus alert:
Always be careful what you click! You never know when a harmless looking link can get you into trouble!
How to Deal with the Scam:
If your anti-virus software failed to block the intrusion, then you could be spamming your friends with the scammer’s message. You should clean-up your newsfeed and profile to remove references to the scam. (click the “x” in the top right hand corner of the post). If your installed anti-virus program caught the malware attempt, then your system should not be affected. If you don’t have anti-virus software installed, then you need to that immediately and run a full system scan.
If you or your Facebook friends are falling for tricks like this, it’s time to get yourself informed of the latest threats. Be sure to join the Facecrooks page on Facebook to be kept informed of the latest security issues.
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