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Twitter Relationship Counselling


Dear Twitter,

I'm afraid our relationship is just not working these days: in fact, we seem to have stopped communicating almost immediately you cosied up to our mutual friend Tweetdeck. Clearly, I'm the spare part in this relationship, since Tweetdeck isn't talking to me much, either. How can you treat me like this?

Since I'm not seeing it mentioned in other parts of the world (or even on Twitter's own status page), I guess my present inability to connect to probably a fairly localized problem, though not quite as localized as the first paragraph of this blog might suggest. Other people in the UK are having similar problems, though with little consistency. In fact, while the thing is practically useless to me on my network, I can get it via a smartphone app, but that's not as useful as you might think, because I can't juggle multiple accounts that way. (Something to work on when the problem subsides, I guess…)

And that's brought it home to me how useful it's been, not only as a means of sending information out (blogs, papers, useful links) to colleagues and the general public, but as a means of getting timely information in on stuff that can take hours or longer to get to me via mailing lists, personal email and so on.

So it occurs to me that this might be a good moment to remind you of some of the ways in which you can follow what we're doing on the blog and elsewhere.

  • There's the RSS feed, of course, which you can see on the right hand side (assuming that you got here via if you came here through a site other than the US site, you may get a mirror which isn't updated in realtime and doesn't have the RSS feed).
  • The CTAC team has a couple of Twitter accounts – @esetresearch and @eset_ctac (new) – and a couple of individual accounts: @dharleyatESET and @ESETLLC
  • @ESET sometimes announces blog posts, along with other interesting material. There's also an ESET USA Facebook page at, logically enough, and an ESET global page
  • There are a number of accounts where I tweet on behalf of other sites such as @AMTSO, but nearly everything I tweet also goes via @davidharleyblog.

There will probably be more news on this in the near future as we rationalize…

ESET Senior Research Fellow


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