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Update: Using WhatsApp in WiFi makes conversations public – WhatsApp Inc. reacted! Apparently because of the stir caused by media and the public


The G Data SecurityLabs have conducted tests with the current WhatsApp versions which have suggested that WhatsApp conversations through wireless connections can no longer be sniffed with the sniffing app we reported about.

The WhatsApp Inc. support team has officially released a message regarding the encryption issue:
Screenshot of message in the WhatsApp support section

WhatsApp Inc. has published new app versions during July and August for the different platforms. Here are two examples:
Screenshot of Google Play info about the current WhatsApp version for Android

Screenshot of info regarding the newest WhatsApp version for iPhones

There is no hint at the implementation of the encryption function in the update notes at all. Apparently, this technical improvement has been included in the list, hidden as “miscellaneous bug fixes [.] and improvements” and “bugfixes, etc.”

A small step or a giant leap?

Fact is: WhatsApp Inc. has reacted! Whether this reaction resulted from the stir the media publications caused or whether encrypting was on their agenda for those last weeks anyway. the result is the same: The user can now protect himself/herself and the respective conversation partners, using the newest app version. Thumbs up!

But, this is only one side of the medal. What’sApp Inc. has done its homework, but there are plenty of others who still have to.

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