Scam Message:
Warning: We received from other users that your account has violated a policy that is considered to disturb or offend other users.
Trending: July 2012
Why it’s a Scam:
Clicking on the link in the scam post will direct you to the following URL:
This is not a legitimate Facebook domain, but a casual user could be easily fooled by it. Clicking the link will take you to the following web page:
If you click continue you will no doubt be presented with an attempt to obtain your Facebook login credentials. If you have good antivirus software installed like we do, then you’ll receive a warning similar to the one shown below:
Phishing scams often use multiple domains and tactics, but the end game is always an attempt to obtain your Facebook user name and password.
Never enter you login information when a web page redirects you without first double checking to make sure you are on the legitimate site. A better option is to bookmark Facebook, and only login from there.
If you entered your Facebook login credentials on the page shown above, then you need to try to reclaim your account. Check out the following article for additional steps you should take:
Four Things you need to do if your Facebook account gets hacked
Be sure to let your Facebook friends know that your account has been compromised and not to click on any links that are sent from you.
If you or your Facebook friends are falling for tricks like this, it’s time to get yourself informed of the latest threats. Be sure to join the Facecrooks page on Facebook to be kept informed of the latest security issues.
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