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What do we need to do to reach “cybersecurity awareness”?


In this week’s Patch Monday podcast on ZDNet Australia, outspoken Aussie technology journalist Stilgherrian interviews Sophos's Paul Ducklin about the real issues behind cybersecurity awareness.

This is a topical issue in Australia right now, where it's Cybersecurity Awareness Week – but what does “cybersecurity awareness” really mean?

Is it something we can knock on the head with some one-off campaigning once a year? Does it simply mean urging individual users to improve their online behaviour?

Or is cybersecurity awareness something which belongs in the lap of the big service providers? (Facebook and Sony spring immediately to mind.) If they were to improve their attitude to privacy and security, would that take some of the pressure off end-users?

Join Stilgherrian and Duck to learn more:

30 May 2011, total duration 27:56 minutes, size 8.5MBytes

(And here’s a cybersecurity freebie – to protect your own data, especially if you intend to back it up or want to share it securely with friends on the web or via email, pick up a copy of Sophos Free Encryption for Windows. Direct download – no registration required.)

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