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What’s On the Spammers’ Menu This Holiday Season?


The holiday season is about to commence and spammers have resurfaced with new offers well in advance. We have already observed spam for Christmas and New Year in the month of September, not to mention spam for Halloween, which is fast approaching!

So, what’s on the spammers’ holiday menu?  Well, there are virus e-cards, bogus meds, some interesting Internet gift offers with crazy discounts, and loans to help you celebrate a spammy whammy Christmas and to welcome the New Year! And don’t despair, because for Halloween you have the much coveted replica products! The list is definitely going to extend as the season comes closer. Discussed in detail below is the spammers’ vacation bonanza.

Here are some of the various spam subject lines being used for the upcoming holiday season:

Subject: Re: Happy new year!!!!
Subject: You have received a Christmas Greeting Card!
Subject: Rolex For You Now -85%
Subject: With our drugs you will never criticize yourself.
Subject: Cash for the New Year
Subject: Xmas Loan offer
Subject: <removed> special starting at $299 – Schedule your free evaluation today


In the above sample, the attachment named Christmas carries a worm that replicates over a computer network and usually performs malicious actions, such as using up the computer's resources and possibly shutting the system down. Below are two samples promoting fake online pharmacies and other health-related products at discounted rates. These spam messages can steal users’ personal details including email addresses, bank details, etc. when the link provided in the message is clicked.


As the holiday season draws near, we advise users to take the utmost care while making online transactions. Make sure you are cautious when doing your Christmas shopping online. Beware of emails with malicious attachments, especially from unknown people who may want to compromise your security—don’t fall victim to spammers’ ploys!

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