Here’s a Spanish language Facebook scam about the “World’s richest man” giving away thousand dollar cheques to anybody that wants one.
You could probably write “Oh dear” and leave it at that, but let’s take a peek anyway. Scams involving a chap called “Razim Al Hamed” have been bouncing around since at least 2009, and he’s quite the subject of intrigue and mystery – or at least posts on Yahoo Answers. He pops up on Tumblr. He has an interesting set of search results in Google. He’s super rich, yet you’ve seemingly never heard of the guy.
He’s appeared on various “have some free money” sites in the past, and will continue to do so but 1000dolares(dot)org is the one we’ll look at today.
Click to Enlarge
It’ll come as no surprise to you that the “1,374,930 people like this” text is just a faked screenshot. Some of the rest of the page reads as follows (at least according to the nearest translator I ran it through):
“Razim Al Hamed, the world’s richest man, is nearing the end of his life and his fortune has decided to share with anyone who requests it. His wealth is being distributed in checks of one thousand dollars to anyone who wants it, free!
Request your check for a thousand dollars here and receive money in the door of your house. Claim your check NOW!
Razim Al Hamed has already sent more than one million checks, hurry to claim yours! Complete all 5 steps are below and receive your check within the next 10 days.
Click on the Share button below and this share this message on 5 different walls of your friends on facebook
Razim to Hamed is giving away $ 1000 checks and keep sending checks to those who ask him! I am asking for my $ 1000 check now, his advantage and ask you a gift and is easy! Come on: 1000dolares(dot)org
Once finished entering all steps to collect your check”
Hitting the “Like” button (or in this case, the Me Gusta button) then hitting the Share button gives us this:
Spread the word, spread the wealth! Or not, as the following popup box puts the brakes on any cash advance from Mr Hamed:
Unfortunately, you won’t be getting any money out of this one anytime soon. Anything you see with promises of free money from Mr Hamed should be taken with a mountain sized grain of salt, and that includes his appearances on everything from Facebook fakeouts and blogspot pages to finance forums and Youtube videos.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a begging letter to write…
Christopher Boyd
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