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Firefox Advises Users to Disable McAfee Plugin


It’s the last thing McAfee would want users to hear about one of its products, but the Firefox browser is advising users to disable McAfee’s ScriptScan software, saying that it could cause “stability or security problems.”

SriptScan ships with McAfee’s VirusScan antivirus program. It’s designed to keep Web surfer’s safe by scanning for any malicious scripting code that might be running in the browser. But according to Mozilla it has an unintended side-effect: It can cause Firefox to crash… a lot.

Firefox Advises Users to Disable McAfee PluginIn a note posted to its website, Mozilla said that the add-on “causes a high volume of crashes,” and is “strongly encouraging” users to disable the software. The warning applies to all users of version 14.4.0 and below of the plugin, Mozilla said.

The Firefox browser started popping up warning messages Monday, advising that users disable the software

In McAfee user forums, there is a smattering of complaints about the Firefox problem.

The problem affects Firefox 7 users, according to Francie Coulter, a McAfee spokeswoman. “McAfee has identified the cause and is working actively with the Firefox team to resolve this issue and expects to roll out an update shortly,” she said in an email message.

Robert McMillan covers computer security and general technology breaking news for The IDG News Service. Follow Robert on Twitter at @bobmcmillan. Robert’s e-mail address is

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