We just released some major updates to our Free WordPress plugin that we recommend all WordPress users check out.
Before the update, the plugin was just a simplified way to reach and scan a site using Sitecheck, now it is doing a lot more:
- WordPress core integrity checking – This feature allows you to scan all WordPress core files to see if any of them have been modified.
- WordPress last login – This option allows you to see the last login for each user, and where it came from including date, time and IP address. It is very powerful when you need to audit a site and see how it was compromised.
- Post-hack options – If your site has been hacked, this option allows you to change all users passwords, reset keys, and take the basic steps to prevent more issues.
- More Hardening – We added more hardening options to help secure your site.
These are just some of the changes. Note that all these features are included in our Premium plugin, so current Sucuri users do not need to install this free version.
For everyone else, please check it out here: Sucuri WordPress Plugin
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