In the AV industry, one of the golden rules is to make sure that, during analysis, we do not in any way help the malware authors and/or propagate their offspring.
This requires special care in the case of malware for mobile phones, because, on the one hand, many of them won’t run if the phone is offline, but on the other hand, if the phone is online, the malware is free to call or send SMS messages in the wild without any way to block those actions. So, we thought building our own local GSM operator, using a USRP coupled with a Linux box running OpenBTS and Asterisk.
USRP connected to OpenBTS in our lab
Actually, this is what I presented at Virus Bulletin Conference [paper] [slides], in Barcelona, a few weeks ago. If you missed it, I also showed a video comparing how much we see when analyzing a Symbian sample of Zitmo on an offline phone and the same sample when the phone is registered to our OpenBTS-based jail. Without OpenBTS, there are quite a few details we could have missed, such as the use of UCS2 encoding for SMS messages.
– the Crypto Girl
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