The spam sample below from Commtouch Labs shows an unfortunate lost opportunity for the spammer – a message that might have reached its recipient and enticed him/her to click on the enclosed link.
But the link leads to a parked domain, and based on its use of “Company ABC” and the fact that the spammer left in the comment that “in HTML messages we can do nice things.” indicates that this particular spammer didn’t pay close attention to what s/he was sending. They also succeeded in embedding the recipient’s email address (blurred out in this copy) but neglected to put the name in the salutation, since the message cheerfully opens with “Hello [[Name]].”
This looks like a spam template that was provided to an inexperienced (or lazy) spammer who didn’t edit it properly before sending. Next time, if you want to copy someone else’s email template, at least make some changes & check your work if you want to receive an “A” at Spammer U.
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