[UPDATED] New versions of Flash Player address a total of six vulnerabilities, many of them critical.
[UPDATED] New versions of Flash Player address a total of six vulnerabilities, many of them critical.
BlackBerry released two security advisories today, including one related to the OpenSSL Heartbleed vulnerability. The first advisory addresses remote code execution vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player affecting BlackBerry Z10, BlackBerry Q10 and BlackBerry Q5 smartphones. The vulnerabilities are not known to be under attack. “BlackBerry customer risk is limited by the BlackBerry 10 OS design, […]
Adobe has released version of Flash Player for Windows and Mac and for Linux. The latest variants address a zero-day vulnerability that has been leveraged in watering hole attacks apparently targeted at Syrian dissidents. In its advisory, Adobe says that the security hole can be exploited to take control of affected systems. The […]
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