In the April issue of Money , before the story of the Heartbleed bug broke, Money spoke with computer security expert Bruce Schneier, chief technology officer at Co3 Systems and a fellow at Harvard Law’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society.
In the April issue of Money , before the story of the Heartbleed bug broke, Money spoke with computer security expert Bruce Schneier, chief technology officer at Co3 Systems and a fellow at Harvard Law’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society.
It’s been two days since the Heartbleed bug was exposed, a security flaw so bad, security expert Bruce Schneier has called it “catastrophic.”
BOSTON – SOURCE CONFERENCE – Data is a natural consequence of computing, and as search tools get better, it shifts the balance of power towards mass collection and surveillance, renowned security expert Bruce Schneier said at the SOURCE Boston conference on Wednesday. “Surveillance is the business model of the Internet,” Schneier told attendees. “We build […]
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