Chongqing thinks it might be a good idea if those who permanently look down could be separated from anyone else. But is there anyone else?
Chongqing thinks it might be a good idea if those who permanently look down could be separated from anyone else. But is there anyone else?
Taking a cue from an American experiment, the Chinese city of Chongqing has created a smartphone sidewalk lane, offering a path for those too engrossed in messaging and tweeting to watch where they’re going. But it’s apparently intended to be ironic—to remind people that it’s dangerous to tweet while…
Its the first rule of phone-walking: the more you check your phone, the slower youre going to walk. So last week, the Chinese city of Chongqing divided its sidewalks into two lanes: one for walking, and one for cellphones. If youre going to stumble around while scrolling through Instagrams, youll have to do it on […]
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