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Posts Tagged ‘cia’

As part of the Vault 7 software leak, WikiLeaks has just exposed ExpressLane, another CIA project used to secretly collect biometrics from fellow intelligence agencies such as the NSA, DHS and FBI. The cyber operation dates from 2009 and only works on Windows computers. Disguising the operation as a software update, a CIA technician would […]

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WikiLeaks released documentation on another Vault 7 hacking tool used by the CIA for large cyber-espionage operations.
Dated December 2013, the 12-page document describes an Android malware, internally known as HighRise, hidden in an application named TideCheck.

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There’s something going on inside the intelligence communities in at least two countries, and we have no idea what it is. Consider these three data points. One: someone, probably a country’s intelligence organization, is dumping massive amounts of cyberattack tools belonging to the NSA onto the Internet. Two: someone else, or maybe the same someone, is doing the same thing to the CIA.

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Mission-Critical Broadband – Why Governments Should Partner with Commercial Operators:
Many governments embrace mobile network operator (MNO) networks as ...

ARA at Scale: How to Choose a Solution That Grows With Your Needs:
Application release automation (ARA) tools enable best practices in...

The Multi-Model Database:
Part of the “new normal” where data and cloud applications are ...



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