Ex-Oppo exec Pete Lau has just announced that his new company OnePlus will partner with Cyanogen on its first smartphone, which will be called the OnePlus One. He and Cyanogens Steve Kondik announced that the upcoming handset would …
Ex-Oppo exec Pete Lau has just announced that his new company OnePlus will partner with Cyanogen on its first smartphone, which will be called the OnePlus One. He and Cyanogens Steve Kondik announced that the upcoming handset would …
But its significant because of its software: customers can choose either Android or CyanogenMod, the heavily-modified version of Android favored by people who like to hack on their phones. The limited edition CyanogenMod version comes in baby blue with the companys logo. The N1 is the only device to come preinstalled with CyanogenMod, but its […]
Android users worried that the government is spying on their smartphone now have a new privacy option: CyanogenMod. Starting with todays nightly 10.2 build, the custom firmware will encrypt SMS and MMS messages sent to any device using the TextSecure protocol, including fellow Cyanogen users. Users wont have to do a thing; the cryptography runs […]
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