An unknown attacker has managed to modify the name servers assigned to 751 domains, which resulted in some visitors to the hijacked domains being redirected to a site hosting the Rig Exploit Kit and delivering the Neutrino Bot.
An unknown attacker has managed to modify the name servers assigned to 751 domains, which resulted in some visitors to the hijacked domains being redirected to a site hosting the Rig Exploit Kit and delivering the Neutrino Bot.
When things break, our natural instinct is to look for someone to blame. Why? Because nothing happens by accident. It’s either done on purpose, a casualty of neglect or lack of preparation. Trust me, as someone who has worked in the security industry for over 20 years, I’ve seen a lot of issues arise and nearly all of them are down to one of the above.
Hackers gained access to credit cards and other information from guests at 14 Trump organization properties in 2016 and had unfettered access to the information for months. A statement released on the organization’s website reported that hackers gained access to “cardholder name, payment card number, card expiration date, and potentially card security code” information.
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