Hackers are nothing if not persistent. Where others see obstacles and quit, hackers brute-force their way through barriers or find ways to game or bypass them. And they’ll patiently invest weeks and months devising new methods to do so.
Hackers are nothing if not persistent. Where others see obstacles and quit, hackers brute-force their way through barriers or find ways to game or bypass them. And they’ll patiently invest weeks and months devising new methods to do so.
The right to hack back has been debated for many years. It is quite clear today that such an action would be illegal. However, there are increasing grey areas where it already happens. Four years ago the Dutch police took over a Bredolab C&C server and used it to deliver warning messages to users infected […]
With the holiday season upon us, we can expect the annual uptick in cyber-criminals targeting merchants. Some of these attacks will involve the usual suspects of phishing attacks, malware and Trojans, but there are two particular attack vectors that are growing both in volume and sophistication: point-of-sale (POS) malware and loyalty card hacks. Read More
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