The most active, according to Damballa, see around 150,000 security events each day.
The most active, according to Damballa, see around 150,000 security events each day.
IT security solutions provider Damballa has published its State of Infections Report for the first quarter of 2014. The report is based on the analysis of half of North Americas ISP Internet traffic, 33% of mobile traffic, along with traffic from global ISP and enterprise customers. The figures in the report show that around 10,000 […]
According to a new report provided by threat protection vendor Damballa, the devices in an average company’s network are generating an average of 10,000 security events per day, with the most active generating roughly 150,000 events per day. Compiled from analysis of 50% of North American ISP Internet traffic and 33% of mobile traffic, along […]
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