Madefire Motion Books is a free app that delivers the most innovative reading experience for iOS devices (and the web through deviantART) as it
Madefire Motion Books is a free app that delivers the most innovative reading experience for iOS devices (and the web through deviantART) as it
Four years ago, DeviantArt artist gavacho13 imagined the worlds of Sesame Street and Street Fighter merging as one. Now, you can play an actual HTML5 game based on that brilliant idea. While Sesame Street Fighter is light on actual gameplay — you just type a few words on screen — the mashup elements are nicely […]
Planet Express delivery has introduced us to all sorts of creatures across many worlds over the years, but as of this September the adventures of Futurama have ended. A fan has now immortalized the characters in a (nearly) definitive — and absolutely stunning — image compiling just about every character from the series, according to […]
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