It’s worth noting that the U.S. government has offered some additional perspective on why it is so confident in its conclusion that Russian military intelligence services were involved in the DNC hack.
It’s worth noting that the U.S. government has offered some additional perspective on why it is so confident in its conclusion that Russian military intelligence services were involved in the DNC hack.
The FBI may have been forced into a misstep when investigating whether Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee — the agency never directly examined the DNC servers that were breached. Instead, the FBI had to rely on forensic evidence provided by third-party cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which the DNC hired to mitigate the breach. Read More
Google is providing for the first time a look into the world of national security letters — demands from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to hand over details about account holders and keep quiet about it. The letters are a part of business for Google and other major internet companies, but traditionally they have been […]
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