I’m confident that any and all security-related incidents would be impossible to prevent or work through without the guidance of a system administrator who knows his network like the back of his hand.
I’m confident that any and all security-related incidents would be impossible to prevent or work through without the guidance of a system administrator who knows his network like the back of his hand.
Did we learn nothing from Arthur C. Clarke’s 1968 sci-fi epic, 2001: A Space Odyssey? In the film, astronauts on a mission to Jupiter discover that the HAL 9000 artificial intelligence computer that controls and automates all functions on the spacecraft starts seriously glitching. The astronauts get worried, HAL gets paranoid — yada, yada, yada […]
There’s a lot more to the web than the cat-video-laden sites we normally see. In fact, according to most sources, the web that we can typically get to via our browser of choice represents only a small fraction of what’s out there. This deep web is an ocean of content that is not visible to […]
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