Since the inception of the currency, more than 35 major Bitcoin scams and thefts have occurred worldwide, including the heist of 38,527 Bitcoins from online exchange Bitcoinica in May 2012, according to
Since the inception of the currency, more than 35 major Bitcoin scams and thefts have occurred worldwide, including the heist of 38,527 Bitcoins from online exchange Bitcoinica in May 2012, according to
SophosLabs has been monitoring a new strain of the infamous ZeroAccess rootkit that has been hitting the internet over the last few weeks.ZeroAccess is a sophisticated kernel-mode rootkit that enslaves victim PCs, adding them to a peer-to-peer botnet from which they receive commands to download other malware. The rootkit has undergone several revisions since its […]
Rogue AV has been one of the biggest profit-generating schemes for cybercriminals since its inception. These past few months, however, our team in the AV Labs has seen a decline, and this is due to a combination of factors, including continued coverage of these scams in non-technical news sources, efforts on the part of the […]
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