Some sections of the information security industry are finally realising that their whole approach is failing society, but fixing things will require a human touch.
Some sections of the information security industry are finally realising that their whole approach is failing society, but fixing things will require a human touch.
Every once in a while, someone or some company in the information security industry comes up and says, antivirus is dead. This happened again last week, when Symantecs Brian Dye told the Wall Street Journal that antivirus was dead and that it was no longer a moneymaker. Antivirus is usually declared dead when a company […]
Distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks are making a lot of headlines these days and many companies say they represent the main operation threat that an organization can face. Since DDOS attacks play an important part in the information security industry, its no wonder XBT Holding has paid $100,000 (73,680) for the domain. XBT is the […]
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