LAS VEGAS (AP) — The FBI and Secret Service are investigating the hacking of the Las Vegas Sands casino company’s websites, which remained down more than a day after they were hijacked.
LAS VEGAS (AP) — The FBI and Secret Service are investigating the hacking of the Las Vegas Sands casino company’s websites, which remained down more than a day after they were hijacked.
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Las Vegas Sands is working with law enforcement to investigate the breach of its websites, which remain down a day after they were hacked.
Several websites owned by Las Vegas Sands Corp, one of the worlds largest casino operators, have been hacked and defaced. The hackers, members of a group called the Anti WMD Team, have defaced the sites with a picture of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the CEO of Las Vegas Sands Corp Sheldon Adelson. Next […]
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