Should we trust that LinkedIn won’t do anything bad when we give it our email account credentials? The better question is: Why on Earth are we even doing that in the first place?!
Should we trust that LinkedIn won’t do anything bad when we give it our email account credentials? The better question is: Why on Earth are we even doing that in the first place?!
Summer movies are highly anticipated by the moviegoers, because Hollywood traditionally releases its biggest blockbusters during this season. Fraudsters are relentless in creating fake streaming sites, not just on the screening date of these movies, but also before the release of movies in theaters.The next two charts show which movies are most popular with attackers, as […]
Yahoo Mail introduced two-factor authentication in December 2011. Two-factor authentication can be used to prevent suspicious access to an account (login from a different country, numerous failed login attempts, etc.) and can be used to verify a user’s identity when asking for a password reset. Two-factor authentication has been in the news a fair bit […]
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