eCommerce merchants and financial institutions will be investing heavily in online fraud detection solutions over the next five years, with annual spending reaching $9.2 billion by 2020, up by 30% on current levels, according to Juniper Research.
eCommerce merchants and financial institutions will be investing heavily in online fraud detection solutions over the next five years, with annual spending reaching $9.2 billion by 2020, up by 30% on current levels, according to Juniper Research.
The online advertising industry has witnessed the emergence of “invisible enemies” that pass themselves off as regular online users – the infamous bots. This network of zombie users has become a serious headache for businesses and this is reflected in recent data. According to a recent study, advertisers worldwide look set to lose $6.3 billion […]
Here’s a malware-laden spam with a twist: From: iTunes []To: purchasing [purchasing@[redacted]]Date: 6 December 2012 20:59Subject: Christmas gift card Order Number: M1V7577311Receipt Date: 06/12/2012Shipping To: purchasing@[redacted] Order Total: $500.00Billed To: Hilary Shandonay, Credit card Item Number Description Unit Price1 Christmas gift card (View\Download ) $500.00Subtotal: $500.00Tax: $0.00Order Total: […]
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