The fugitive NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden says any statement that mass surveillance isn’t performed in New Zealand is ‘categorically false’, as New Zealand Prime Minister John Key has released Cabinet documents to disprove Snowden’s claims.
The fugitive NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden says any statement that mass surveillance isn’t performed in New Zealand is ‘categorically false’, as New Zealand Prime Minister John Key has released Cabinet documents to disprove Snowden’s claims.
‘Email encryption is the best tool to stop mass surveillance on the Internet,’ says company co-founder Matthias Pfau.
Encryption will keep us all protected from mass surveillance, experts keep saying. In an interview for Softpedia, Cybersecurity Expert and Cryptographer Bruce Schneier admitted that when it comes to bulk surveillance, all encryption is good. However, if it comes to keeping people safe from targeted attacks, basic encryption deployed by the likes of Google, Yahoo […]
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